Briton Mike was surrounded by dogs and no longer hoped for his salvation.

Briton Mike was surrounded by dogs and no longer hoped for his salvation.

It happened in the winter. From the street, I heard a growl and fuss, so I decided to go out and check what was happening near the house. The time was approaching for dinner, usually by that hour stray animals gather under my windows, waiting for me to bring them food. Leaving the entrance, I saw the dogs, a dense ring surrounding the cat. The cat in our yard was brand new and was clearly frightened by what was happening.

As soon as I appeared from behind the door, the dogs stopped the siege and began to approach me, wagging their tails in a friendly way. The cat realized that this was his chance to escape and with one jump ended up on the high plinth of the entrance, clinging to the wall with all his might.

By pointing a beam of a flashlight at the cat, I was able to see it. The newcomer turned out to be British with charming little ears and big eyes. The cat was shaking all over and chattering its teeth, it was not clear whether it was from the cold or from fright. There are no stray cats left in our yard, for all of them I found a family or overexposure a long time ago, so the appearance of a Briton came as a surprise to me

The cat did not go to chicken, he was afraid. I had to go back to the apartment for a carrier. The cat immediately understood what to do and after a few seconds lay down in the carrier, still looking around warily and trying not to make unnecessary movements.

At home, Mike, as I called the cat, immediately ran into the bath and hid there from my pets.

Although the cat was clearly thoroughbred and very beautiful, having examined it more closely, I found many signs that he had been living on the street for a long time. The cat was obviously very hungry and, judging by his thinness, he did not often eat his fill. He also wanted to be washed and combed out. I could not persuade the cat to get out of the bathroom, only sitting on the side in the corner did he feel safe. To feed Mike I had to hold the toes in my hands. The cat ate greedily, as if not believing that he would have other chances to eat well.

The vet found no serious illnesses, only a couple of problems that were quickly cured. Sending a cat outside would be cruel, so Mike moved into a house that is rented for animals.

The cat quickly learned the rules of the house and made friends with its other inhabitants, even with dogs gradually found a common language.

Mike quickly recovered and became like a bright representative of his breed — a well-fed muzzle with big eyes, velvety hair, large sizes. Now the cat really looks like a teddy bear.

Neither a spectacular appearance nor a calm character helped Mike in search of a family. So far no one wants to give him a house, but Mike is waiting and believes that one day he will be taken from overexposure to his house.

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