Summer in Naples was hot, so Megan Sorbara went to the store near her house for ice cream. At the trash can, she saw a couple of kittens that clung to some white lump. Looking closely at the unusual picture, Megan realized that the white cub was another kitten. The baby was shivering, even in the heat of the street, and the other two tried to warm him. The kittens were frightened when the girl approached them, but since the white kitten could not run away, they also decided to stay put.
Megan changed her plans and instead of continuing her way to the store, she gathered all the kittens and carried them home. Already at home, Megn looked at the kittens more carefully and realized that the white baby was seriously ill. The animal did not even have enough strength to stand on its paws.
Megan decided to adopt all the kittens until she could cure the weakest of them. Megan named the white baby Coconut, and her brothers Pistachio and Praline.
The coconut had to be fed with a syringe, but this helped her and very soon she was already able to not only stand on her paws, but also walk. Very soon, the whole trio began to actively explore the house, run and play. The family of kittens also became friends with Bitsy, the dog that lives with Megan. Bitsy took the kittens well, she loves to play with them and allows them to sleep next to her.
Megan really wants to find a new family for the kittens, but she is convinced that they should not be separated. Finding those who will take three kids at once is not at all easy, but the girl does not lose optimism.