This dog understood that the person she sees is the last chance for salvation.

This dog understood that the person she sees is the last chance for salvation.

While working, a traffic officer noticed a dog on the side of the road. The man immediately realized that the animal needed help, because it was so weak that it could barely stand on its feet. The look of the dog was very sad and extinct.

The man immediately contacted the employees of the relevant service, and soon zoo volunteers appeared by the road. The dog did not even have the strength to resist people, so it was easily loaded into a car and taken to a shelter.

At the shelter, the dog was named Daphne and was taken to the vet first.

How the dog ended up by the road and why it was so exhausted remains unknown, but the volunteers are building their assumptions on this score.

In particular, volunteers believe that they tried to train the dog for hunting, but its character is not at all suitable for this. Realizing that the animal was too good-natured to hunt, the owners simply got rid of it, leaving it by the road.

The veterinarian weighed Daphne and it turned out that her weight was about 6 kg, which indicates extreme exhaustion. The examination showed that the animal was infected with parasites, but it was impossible to remove them, since it was extremely dangerous to give Daphne medicine at such a low weight.

Treatment was delayed until Daphne gained weight. A volunteer named Thomas took Daphne to his foster home. At home, he noted that in addition to physical, the dog also has psychological problems, in particular, she is under stress.

The dog just lay in the hallway, not even touching food and water. Sometimes Daphne got up to walk around the apartment a little, but nothing aroused her interest, she quickly returned to her place.

After a while, Daphne began to trust Thomas, she became more cheerful, began to eat and drink. Gradually Daphne gained weight, began to play and go out with pleasure. When Daphne’s weight reached the desired levels, she was prescribed a drug for parasites.

Now the dog has fully recovered and they began to look for owners who can give her love and care.

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