The heroine of our story is named Michelle. In May, they took her away from her mother, put her in a car and drove somewhere. She was not afraid, since she was born in a home environment and was familiar with people. At that time she was already two months old and all this time she lived with these people at home.
The cat was lying quietly on the seat, not worrying about anything, quietly purring to herself, when suddenly the car stopped. The hands that are familiar to him whom she fully trusted then, raised her and dropped her out of the car. The man got back into the car, closed the door and drove away, and the baby remained sitting on the side of the road.
Since Michelle was only two months old, she did not understand what had happened. All this was seen by a bystander in another car, who was driving about his business. The man turned out to be kind and did not go further, but took the cat with him .
When he arrived in the city, he published a post in a group for helping animals, in which he wrote that he could leave the cat with him only until the evening and if no one took her away before that time, he would have to let her out back on the street.
We could not allow this baby to be alone on the street again, because a lot of bad things could happen to her there. Then one of the volunteers went after her and took the cub. Now we are looking for where to move it.