One puppy was playing with the cat and got lost. And now it shivers from the cold in the rain. It’s been like this for 24 hours, and it still hasn’t been found. It does not know that finding a pet is a rather difficult undertaking.
First you need to go around all the nearest streets, call by name, and then distribute the announcements. The search can drag on for an indefinite time. The puppy had no choice but to sit still and wait for him to be found. And this made it very sad. “And where did this cat come from? She ran away anyway! » — thought the puppy.
Peach, that was the name of the puppy, was sitting alone, wet and had already begun to take offense at its owners for not finding it yet. It was already waiting, and even hungry. And so, one passer-by, seeing a hanging advertisement, called out to Peach. Although the puppy didn’t recognize the man, it still reacted to his voice .
After that, the person called someone and told about the lost. Then its mistress came, who immediately hugged it tightly to her and spoke to him in a stern tone. But it didn’t matter anymore. The main thing is that they found it.