The story of a devoted friend, witnessed by the residents of Lviv, quickly spread on the net, and its main character was nicknamed the local Hachiko.
In winter, already closer to midnight, an ambulance took an unknown man to the hospital. A man fell at a bus stop and seriously injured his head. the dog, with which the man went for a walk at such a late hour, remained in place and looked after the master’s things, which were still lying on the street.
The dog spent more than one hour on the street when employees of the animal protection organization found out about it. One of the volunteers came to the place and tried to pick up the animal, but that gave the girl the opportunity to approach neither itself nor the owner’s things.
Volunteers immediately began to search for the owners of the animal, but they did not bring results. The animal rights activists decided that the dog should be taken from the street, and despite the resistance of the animal, he was taken to one of the local shelters. volunteers did not lose hope and continued to look for the dog’s owners, but all calls to hospitals were in vain.
The search for the owner of the animal took several days, during which time the shelter staff nicknamed the dog Hachiko. Volunteers immediately managed to find the man’s neighbors, and through them his daughter. The woman took Sam, that’s the name of the dog, from the shelter, he will wait for his owner at home.