When Rex was found, it was hard to look at him without crying. The dog was delighted at the sight of people, began to wag its tail so actively that an unhealed wound simply instantly opened and blood came out on the body.
Rex immediately got to the shelter and surprisingly, the search for new owners for the animal did not take much time. A young couple decided to take the dog for themselves, whose pet recently died of oncology. The family was looking for someone to help them get through the tragedy, and Rex needed a home and loving owners.
Despite the fact that in the past people did not do well to Rex, he was able to love his new family. People respond to love with care and kindness.
Although there are scars and other traces of a past life on the dog’s body, Rex feels that he is loved and the new owners will not leave him under any circumstances. The dog quickly recovered and today only pink spots on the body are reminiscent of past illnesses.
A few months after Rex, another dog appeared in the family — a golden Retriever. Animals easily found a common language.