In one of the schools in Izmir, Turkey, an unusual student appeared. A year ago, a homeless ginger cat came to the schoolyard and the children enthusiastically took care of it, feeding and playing. Over time, the cat grew bolder and began to go to school, and his favorite place was the third-grade classroom. The teachers didn’t send the animal away, they just treated it from fleas and other parasites, and the children came up with a name for the pet — Theodore.
With the advent of Theodore in the class, the children have changed — they are calmer and quieter, they try not to scare or offend the animal.
And Theodore really enjoyed studying, he listens attentively in class, helps turn the pages in textbooks and, in general, behaves like an exemplary student.
Not all parents share the children’s delight of the new «pupil», one of them even wrote a complaint to the school administration. They quickly found a new home for Tombo, but without schoolchildren and lessons, the cat was not happy with the new family.
The cat just sat by the window and refused food and water for three whole days. Schoolchildren also missed their favorite.
To rectify the situation, the school management made an unusual decision — Tombaugh became an official employee.
In the HR department, he has a personal file, in which, in addition to certificates from the veterinarian about the vaccinations and the state of health, there is even an officially approved list of duties.
The return of the cat was a real treat for the children, and the parent who filed the complaint apologized and gave Theodore a gift — a new collar.
Theodore again goes to lessons in the third grade and his students even have a rule — if the cat lies on someone else’s notebook, you don’t have to write down the lesson, the teacher just makes a mark in the journal.