The cat fell ill, and the owners did not want to spend money on his treatment and put him outside in the cold.

The cat fell ill, and the owners did not want to spend money on his treatment and put him outside in the cold.

The cat that used to be a pet is ill. The disease affected the paws, so the animal could hardly move and was in pain. The owners decided not to waste energy and money on the treatment of the cat, instead they put him outside.

The sick cat was completely alone, he did not know where to go and how to survive on his own, in addition, there was a cold winter, which left practically no chance of survival for the sick animal. The cat did not spend much time outside, but it was enough for his disease to worsen, and to it was added frostbite of the ears and lacerations from collisions with other street animals.

After a while, the cat ended up in a shelter, and then a new mistress was found for him. The girl Lisa was not afraid of the cat’s illness, and she took him from the shelter. The girl named the cat Leva, in the new house he learned what real love and care is, and also received care that made him feel much better.

Time and care did their job, the wounds on Leva’s body healed, and the disease of the paws began to manifest itself much less and no longer causes pain and anxiety to the animal. The cat not only feels better, but also looks much more satisfied with life, and in gratitude he gives his owner a lot of affection and love.

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