The man kept a pit bull dog in a private house. Many are afraid of these dogs, because they look formidable and it is not in vain that they are considered fighting dogs. It seems that as soon as you get in the way of the pit bull, you immediately become a walking food for Theodore.
I don’t know what person could have done this: someone threw two little kittens into the yard of a man who lived with a pit bull. It was clear what this stranger was hoping for. But he miscalculated a little.
It turned out, either the upbringing of the dog, or his character, but he was scared of the kittens that appeared out of nowhere. At the sight of one tiny furry, he begins to hysteria and does not know what to do with himself, and two redheads almost brought him to a heart attack.
Just imagine a picture: a stranger throws small defenseless kittens to be torn apart by a dangerous pit bull, and instead the dog runs away from them, tucking its tail and making pitiful sounds. Only there was not enough fun music in the background.
Even though the intentions of this subhuman were terrible, we are very glad that it happened exactly as it happened. And what are your pets afraid of?