Someone left a cat locked in a carrier on the edge of a snowy road in a bitter cold.

Someone left a cat locked in a carrier on the edge of a snowy road in a bitter cold.

Donald spoke to the Illinois animal conservationists in the middle of winter about how he saved a cat.

The man was returning from work and had already reached his house when he saw that there was a cat carrier on his path. Snow covered the carrier from all sides, obviously, the driver of the snowplow did not notice it during operation, so the carrier literally stood in a snowdrift.

The man did not even immediately think that there was someone in the carrier, because it was completely filled with snow. When he got closer, he saw a piece of an ear sticking out of the snow. The man immediately rushed to take the carrier out of the snow and open it. Inside was a gray cat, covered in snow, shivering from the cold.

The man immediately brought the animal into the house, wrapped it in a towel and sat it next to the heater.

The next morning, Donald took the cat to the zoo, where she was examined by veterinarians. The doctors’ verdict was good — the cat is healthy, sociable and kind, she is about a year old.

Volunteers managed to quickly find new owners for the cat. now the animal lives in a new home, where she is loved and taken care of, she also has a new name — Winter.

It was not possible to find the previous owners who treated the animal so cruelly. The cat was lucky that the man noticed the transfer in a snowdrift, otherwise this winter could be her last.

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