She was not walking, hematomas, lacerations, hypothermia and a whole bunch of sores.

She was not walking, hematomas, lacerations, hypothermia and a whole bunch of sores.

It took 7 months to cure this dog, but as soon as she felt better, she was immediately kicked out into the street again…

Nat came to us in February, by that time there was no living place on her body: hematomas, wounds, hypothermia and other diseases led to the fact that the dog could not even get up on its paws.

Volunteers took Nat from the street, showed it to the veterinarian and found an overexposure, de promised to take care of all the doctor’s orders. The hostess of the overexposure, Tina, refused financial assistance, saying that she could take care of the dog, and after the treatment she decided to keep her.

The volunteers were glad that everything was resolved safely and they were no longer interested in the fate of Nat.

It was not often possible to talk with Tina, she almost did not answer the phone, and yet the fact that she kicked out the dog was a real surprise for everyone.

Nat was again noticed in the garbage. Volunteers started calling Tina and, although not on the first try, they managed to talk to the woman. “I cured her, and she will find food for herself, she is a street animal, she knows how to survive,” Tina said.

Nat, although she knows everything about life on the street, will no longer survive there, because she is very weak. It is difficult to say how Tina treated and fed her, but she can hardly stand on her paws.

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