Julie is very suitable for her name, warm and sweet, exactly the same as this dog herself. She seems to glow from the inside with love and beauty, and her character can be described as soft and pleasant. Julie is distinguished by her meek disposition and calmness. You can’t help but fall in love with this dog at first sight!
She faced several betrayals. First, her mother threw her out into the street. So Julie ended up in the industrial zone, where the workers looked after her. When the baby grew up, she was sold. However, the new owners also betrayed the dog, throwing it out into the street.
At the moment, Julie is trying to cope on her own. She is free, she has no owners. Some may even think it’s good. But is freedom really necessary in this case? No one cares about the dog, she is constantly forced to flee from various dangers that street life is fraught with. Such freedom sometimes leads to very deplorable consequences.
Volunteers try to look after Julie and support her somehow. They even gave her for sterilization, which was successful. People hope to find a new home for this lovely dog as soon as possible. Such a radiant girl deserves to have a loving caring family!