Taking an animal from a shelter means taking on a big responsibility. Such animals need much more attention and care than their domestic relatives. One of the American actors decided to give a home to a dog that spent most of his life chained. As soon as he saw the photo of the animal, the man realized that they would definitely become friends.
The dog lived in a booth and could not move away from it, because it was chained to the place with a rather short chain. Heaps of garbage were piled near the booth, no one came to clean it up.
A golden retriever lived on one of the dog farms in North Korea. Other dogs lived in cages, sometimes they were taken outside the farm and the dog never saw them again.
After a while, people came who decided to save them. Volunteers took the dogs from the farm and started looking for new families for them.
A video of a chained dog has gone viral. It was on the network that Daniel Henney, an actor from the movie X-Man, saw her. The dog immediately liked the man, and he contacted the volunteers.
Daniel offered to meet the dog and its temporary guardians on no man’s land. To begin with, the actor and the dog had to get to know each other, because not only the desire of a person is important, but also the disposition of a person towards him.
The actor and the retriever liked each other from the first seconds — the animal clung to the man and did not leave him a single step.