Not all people are able to be responsible for their pets, and often they try to shift the problems caused by their negligence to others. The victim of this attitude was Miroslava, who opened the door of her apartment and saw on the threshold a bundle containing a couple of kittens. The babies had just been born and needed help. Miroslava could not take care of such crumbs, so she posted an ad on the net. Maria, who has been helping animals for a long time, responded to her request for help. Maria took the kittens and gave them to her cat, who recently became a mother.
The cat in the very first minutes of acquaintance accepted other people’s kittens, began to feed them and warm them. The kittens began to quickly gain weight and grow, both babies turned out to be girls, one of them was named Leah, and the second — Mia.
The kids had very different personalities. Leah turned out to be inquisitive and active, she often played pranks and managed to visit every shelf in the house.
Miya, on the contrary, turned out to be an extremely calm girl who spent most of the day on the couch, watching everything around her.
When the girls grew up, new families were found for them. I would like to believe that their new owners give them a lot of love. We are sure that in the new house Leah managed to drop all the flower pots from the shelves, and Miya spends most of the day in the arms of loving owners, quietly purring with pleasure.
We also believe that Maria will be able to help many more animals, giving them hope for a new, happy life.