This story is about Felix. This cat appears at Staraya Russa station in the evenings, sits on the platform and waits. At the station, he appears twenty minutes before 11 pm, he settles on the platform and carefully examines everything around. For a long time the cat has never changed its schedule, the station staff are already used to finding out the time by checking the appearance of the animal.
Felix is waiting for the train from Pskov to the capital to stop on the platform. The animal always sits in the same place where the same carriage stops, the conductor of which always feeds it. To be more precise, all the guides who work on this route know Felix, so they always have a treat for him. For several years now, the cat has been meeting the train every day and it has become a good tradition for the railway workers to feed him.
A picture of Felix and the conductor who feeds him, got into the network. Many immediately became worried that the cat was homeless and lives on the street. Almost immediately, one of the inhabitants of Old Russia wrote that the cat was not a tramp at all, he had a house and owners, it was just that the animal really liked to go for walks on its own. The station is one of the cat’s favorite places for walking, therefore, at some point, the railway workers had a tradition of feeding him.
Felix cannot be denied a great intellect, because he is always distinguished by amazing punctuality and appears just before the train arrives.