Breaking news about Anabel, who froze to the trash cans.

Breaking news about Anabel, who froze to the trash cans.

We were all looking forward to the news about Anabel’s health. Today we received the test results and visited the doctor.

Annabelle is getting better little by little.

A general blood test pleases, but so far everything is not so good with biochemistry — many indicators are below the norm. The girl has impaired liver function, calcium and phosphorus metabolism. Her tremor is most likely due to a disturbed metabolism, the veterinarians gave us a week. If the treatment does not help during this time, Anabel will have to undergo an MRI.

Frostbitten and dead tissue must be removed, until the girl is too weak to undergo surgery, one must wait until the body recovers.

No one dares to name the terms, it is not clear how and when the treatment will work, so the question of the operation is not on the agenda yet.

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