An old pug was dropped off at the playground, and they themselves disappeared from view

An old pug was dropped off at the playground, and they themselves disappeared from view

How could you treat an animal like that just because it got old?

There is so little kindness in our world, and such masters undermine the remnants of faith in people.

How callous must be the soul of a person capable of such an act?

The elderly and blinded pug was left on the playground, while the owners themselves got into the car and left. We didn’t even realize how many days she spent without food and attention.

It is difficult to find words of justification for its owners.

The pug is about 12 years old, his teeth have fallen out, his eyes do not see at all or they see very weakly, because the animal finds its bearings in the apartment with difficulty.

How could you do this to an animal that for many years was devoted to you, loved you?

What shall we do now with this unfortunate girl? So far, we’ve found a paid foster home for her where she’s taken care of.

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