This exhausted dog did not even have the strength to stand steadily on the ground. He was completely defenseless.
People raised the old dog and brought him to us, hoping that we would not leave him in trouble. The dog could hardly stand on its feet, but it was not only exhaustion. The dog was injured by a new dog, which was brought by his owners.
The owner of the dog has been planning to get a new dog for a long time. This dog has grown old, his eyesight has deteriorated. The owner considered that he was no longer fit to be a guard.
Unexpectedly, this man was presented with a puppy, moreover, a thoroughbred. He considered it an incredible success. I took a new pet without even thinking.
“The strongest will live in my house,” said the owner and let the puppy into the territory where the old man was. The old dog was taken away by the neighbors.
“We will not write a statement. I don’t want to snuggle up and look back. Moreover, it is not a fact that someone will understand, ”said eyewitnesses.
The dog was taken to one of the overexposures, where help with food is needed.