A small cub with frightened eyes swarmed under the car. It was impossible to leave him there.

A small cub with frightened eyes swarmed under the car. It was impossible to leave him there.

Out of nowhere, a small dog appeared under the old car, which looked like a soft plush toy. This car has been standing near the road for many years and the animal was not there before. The dog was saved by a happy accident.

The girl, hurrying to work, turned in the direction of the car and saw a little girl under it, who was scurrying about there.

When she got closer, she realized that the puppy was confused, scared and cold. The girl took a picture of the dog, and it immediately spread through social networks.

The puppy needed to be rescued and urgently, because the roadway was very close, which is dangerous for any animal.

And the dog was lucky, because such coincidences are very rare, or maybe fate intervened. At about the same time, in the same city, a very unpleasant event happened in one family — their beloved cat died. For the owners, it was grief, but they caught a picture of a puppy. They really liked the baby, so after only a few hours she was already settling in a new house.

It turned out that the dog has a very playful and sociable character, with which she bribes everyone.

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