Veterinarians did not give a chance: the cat could not stand up, the muzzle was in wounds, the ears were filled with sand.

Veterinarians did not give a chance: the cat could not stand up, the muzzle was in wounds, the ears were filled with sand.

Yana took a bag of garbage and went to the bins located near the house. The situation seems banal, but it was this routine trip that changed the girl’s life. Throwing out the garbage, Yana was about to go back, but stopped when she heard a thin squeak. The girl decided to check who makes the unusual sound and quickly found its source — a small kitten.

The baby was born just a couple of weeks ago, while, by his appearance, it could be assumed that he managed to go through a lot: the kitten did not rise to his feet, there was sand in his ears, his muzzle was smashed to the blood. The situation was exacerbated by the intense heat outside. Yana immediately realized that the cat needed urgent help, otherwise she would not live even a couple of hours. Very soon, Yana and the baby she found were at the veterinarian’s.

In addition to injuries that were visible to the naked eye, the doctor found out that the kitten had broken ribs. The injuries were very serious, so the clinic offered to euthanize the cat. Yana did not agree with the doctors’ verdict, so she did everything possible and impossible to help the kitten.

Several months of struggle brought results — Cow, as the girl called the cat, completely recovered, becoming an active and inquisitive baby. Yana’s cat has been living for 9 years now, thanks to the care and love of the owner, Cow not only recovered physically, but also forgot about all the injuries that were in her life for a long time.

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