If you see me in your garden, please don’t chase me.

If you see me in your garden, please don’t chase me.

If you saw me on your area, then I ask you, don’t drive me away, don’t kill me, don’t hurt me, but just give me some food (raw meat, minced meat, you can even dry cat food) and pour some water.

No need to pour milk for me, because then I have stomach problems and this can lead to dehydration. But I’m not very smart, so when I see milk, I drink it. So don’t give me milk! And sausages should not be!

Don’t set traps and use insecticides unless there is a strong need for this. You can show me to the children, but you don’t need to pick up and play with me.

I don’t harm anyone, but on the contrary, I can be an assistant in your garden, because at night I eat insects, worms, caterpillars and larvae that can destroy your crop.

My species may soon disappear due to human impact. Please help me survive!

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