Because of the indifference of people, a homeless puppy was left with three legs.

Because of the indifference of people, a homeless puppy was left with three legs.

I asked to pick the unfortunate puppy up and take to the veterinary clinic. When they arrived at the place, they tried very hard to contain their emotions from the picture that appeared before their eyes.

A small, very thin, but very beautiful baby of an unusual color, looked at them from the bushes with eyes in which there were tears, and tucked her paws under her. It was very painful and scary for her, but apparently, the puppy had already got used to the fact that no one cares about her problems. resentment and the question were read in her eyes: “Did you also come just to look?”

However, this time she was mistaken — now help has come.

When our doctor saw the fox, he was very surprised: »She’s definitely been in this condition for more than one day… Everything is already here. We can’t save one paw.

I’ll try to keep the second one». The poor thing seemed to understand every word, because she immediately shook and whimpered softly.

After all, she is still a baby, and she will already be an invalid. And it can’t be fixed. And all because she was not immediately helped, because then it was possible to correct the situation.

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