A year ago we found an old dog, the doctors said that he was not a tenant.

A year ago we found an old dog, the doctors said that he was not a tenant.

The exhausted and blind dog crawled to the garbage heap and believed that it was here that he would take his last breath, but we found him before death got to him…

After examination, the veterinarian issued a verdict — the dog is very old and there are no guarantees that he will survive.

All animals meet old age in different ways, Ben’s age and difficult life on the street had a strong influence. In addition to exhaustion, dehydration and eye problems, doctors diagnosed a hematoma and many other sores.

When my daughter found the dog at the garbage cans, he could hardly get up on his paws. Despite the doctor’s verdict, we did not give up. Ben underwent surgery, he diligently took all the medicines and after a while his appetite returned, he began to recover and looked much better than in the first days.

How old the dog is and how he lived before meeting us, we never found out…

Ben met Mish with us, they became good friends. Both dogs are already at an advanced age, perhaps this was the basis of their friendship. Mish is a little more active, still loves to run and jump, although when we found him, he was also barely able to stand on his paws.

Perhaps meeting with a friend made Ben’s life more interesting, because we do not understand what animals communicate with each other. Maybe Mish has become a role model for the dog, showing that old age does not mean the end of life. It’s hard to think about the last days, especially when you get used to the animal, you try to help it. It is a pity that years of street life irretrievably undermined the health of the dog.

Immediately after the operation to remove the tumor, Ben felt well. Seeing almost nothing, he was guided by other senses and always knew when I came to him.

After each feeding, he yelped, thus expressing his gratitude.

In recent days, Ben again passed tests,  we give him supportive medications, it is noticeable that with them his health is getting much better. On medication, his appetite returned, he again slowly walks, whereas before that he had difficulty getting up.

Only at the end of his life Ben learned what love and care are, and yet everything could have turned out completely differently. Do not leave elderly animals alone, give them the opportunity at the end of their lives to bask in warmth and care, and not get their own food and suffer from illnesses. each of us will grow old sooner or later…

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